I've had a special relationship with nature for as long as I can remember. Despite growing up amidst the hustle and bustle of urban Toronto, as a child I would often join my parents, both nature enthusiasts, to explore pockets of wilderness in and around the city. Summers were full of camping trips to provincial parks and long stays at my grandmother's cottage. One of my fondest memories at the cottage was walking up to the edge of the forest, and without a path to follow, simply wandering off to see where I would end up. Stepping into the unknown and having that solitude in nature made me feel deeply alive.
My interest in photography began in my mid-twenties during a backpacking trip through South America. Captivated by exotic cultures and landscapes I couldn't put my camera down. I eventually began to focus on people, adopting a documentary style and capturing the human condition in its multitude of expression.
In my early thirties I immersed myself in the world of vipassanna meditation. During many reflective months in wilderness-based retreats I began noticing the presence of nature at a much more intimate level. Each tree, each insect, each blade of grass all began reflecting back to me the processes of nature that we are all subject to. The seasons, the cycle of life and the impermanent nature of all things were no longer just external phenomena but rather had become a very visceral part of my own reality. It made me realize that we are all connected simply by the fact that we are alive and that there is a kindredness in this shared experience.
Today I take photos that reflect my relationship with nature. I share them for their beauty, for people to enjoy, but also that they may speak to you of the subtleties of life, to be appreciated in your own way.
I currently call Vancouver Island home and most of the photos being showcased were taken in this beautiful land.